Let’s face it, bowhunters are difficult to shop for. The things we want are too technical, too specific and often times, too expensive.
Short of giving up and getting them a gift card (Who wants to do that?) for Christmas, take a look at this list of ten practical and cost-effective gifts that your hunter will appreciate and probably wouldn’t have even thought to ask for. Read far enough and you may encounter a bonus idea! Who am I kidding. You’ll see it. It’s at the bottom right after ten…which is what you’d expect.
1. Smartphone Tripod

Bowhunting is by nature a solitary endeavor, which makes capturing images and video from the experience that much more difficult. Get your bowhunter a third hand with a flexible GorillaPod smartphone tripod. These mounts can be setup on the railing of a tree stand to get video of the action or stood up on the ground for hero shots after a successful hunt.
2. More Power

Long sits in the stand mean a lot of time doing important research and compiling spreadsheets (and maybe watching a YouTube video or two) on the bowhunter’s smartphone. All that serious computing can run a battery down so making a phone call or taking hero shots at the end of the day is impossible. Boost their juice by getting them a backup battery. Not only can they keep their phone charged up, but also other devices like a Garmin Virb or a point and shoot camera.
3. Thermacell Recharge Pads

You’ll score extra points come September with this forward-thinking gift. December is not the time of year your bowhunter will be attacked by biting insects, but when the next season starts, they’ll marvel at how thoughtful you were. Thermacells are great mosquito deterrent devices, but the chemical impregnated pad within them wears out and needs to be replaced periodically. Having some extras on hand will be one less thing your archer will need to worry about.
4. Haul Line

Admittedly not the sexiest of gifts, but this list is about practicality. More than a few bowhunters have arrived to their tree stand only to find their haul line rendered useless and gnawed off halfway up the tree. Squirrels. They live to destroy. I’ll guarantee that your hunter has at least one stand that needs a new haul line. The rope is cheap and they can toss it in their pack for use whenever and however they decide.
5. Tree Stand Seat Cushions

Again, squirrels. Or ants, snakes, spiders, mold, UV light, all of these things have been known to destroy foam tree stand seat cushions. The snake one was funny. I climbed into my stand and thought I noticed an extra strap laying across my seat. Nope. It was a black rat snake. In the scheme of hunting gear, a worn out seat cushion will likely be an item your bowhunter will only think about whenever they hunt that particular stand. They’ll never get one for themselves, but they’ll be glad you did.
6. Vinyl Gloves

Be prepared to explain this gift. Field dressing is an inherently messy job, especially if any of the digestive tract has been punctured. Having a stock of vinyl gloves in your hunter’s vehicle or backpack will make those jobs much cleaner. It’ll also make it easier for them to stop someplace on the way home for gas, food, etc. No one wants to walk into an establishment with bodily fluids covering their hands.
7. SD Cards

The currency of the modern hunter. SD cards make trail cams work. SD cards are also easy to lose. The good news is they’re cheap and have multiple uses beyond trail cams (video cameras, DSLRs, point-and-shoots, action cameras). Check the package to ensure you’re getting a Class 10 card. Most newer cameras require a Class 10 storage medium.
8. Head Hangerz

Not all bucks get shoulder mounts made of them. For those dead heads and European mounts that haven’t found a proper place at home, Head Hangerz are a simple, rugged and inexpensive way to display any skull, but especially those of whitetails.
9. Archery Range Membership
Nothing makes a bowhunter more lethal than practice. If you’re fortunate enough to live near a great local archery shop, like Select Archery, look into a range membership for your killer. Most shops have packages starting at one month all the way up to a full year.
10. Bow Hanger

If your bowhunter spends anytime hunting out of a portable climbing stand, it’s likely they’ve left their screw-in bow hanger 20 feet up a tree and forgotten all about it. Technically they’re not an impressive piece of gear, but any bowhunter who’s had to sit in a tree without one knows how useful they are. Without one, they’ll have to balance their bow in their lap and will be forced into more movement just to get a shot off. Bow hangers are extremely helpful.
Since you made it all the way through this article, how about a bonus eleventh gift idea?
11. The Thinking Woodsman Forest Ninja Beanie
There are other hats in the Gear Shop, but for pure full draw bowhunting functionality, nothing beats the beanie. It’s warm enough to cut the cold but not so thick and bulky that it dulls your hearing.
Did I just make you the hero of Christmas to your beloved bowhunter? Of course I did, but don’t worry about sharing the credit with me. Take it all for yourself as my gift to you. Shopping for your bowhunter doesn’t have to be a pain. Use this list as your guide and your gifts are sure to be right on target. Get it? Because it’s archery related and the content is so relevant? That’s why it was funny.
Did I miss any inexpensive and practical presents? Share them with me over on The Thinking Woodsman Facebook page.
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